Appetizers and Sides Dinner Lunch Salad

Thai Chicken Larb Salad

Today’s temperature in Palm Springs reached a whopping 118 degrees. In this kind of heat, I’m always trying to come up with quick and easy meals without creating too much heat in the kitchen. I was craving one of my favorite cuisines, Thai, and was also thinking something salad-like, so I decided to make this […]

Dinner Lunch Pasta

Italian Turkey Meatballs

Having grown up in the 70’s, in the Boston area, I was exposed to both, authentic and Americanized versions of Italian cuisine. Although, my first experience with this cuisine was less than desirable, and most likely right out of a can, thanks to Chef Boyardee, but I did what I could to assimilate to my […]

Dinner Lunch Soups

Steak Portuguese Style (Bife ‘a Portuguesa)

I suppose you could describe this as the Portuguese version of “Steak Frites” and what is distinct about this version is the sauce and the fried egg on top. In most traditional homes or Portuguese restaurants you will find slight variations on the sauce, but it is always served with fried potatoes in some form […]

Dinner Lunch Soups

Roasted Chile Corn Chowder

Who doesn’t like a chowdah…that’s how we it say back in Boston! As a Portuguese kid who grew up in Southeastern Massachusetts, my first introduction to the infamous Boston style clam chowder was in grammar school. Although, most likely from a can, it was something I always looked forward to. My mother, who was a […]

Appetizers and Sides Lunch

Soyrizo, Pinto Bean and Onion Taco Wraps

As mentioned in a previous post, my obsession with the jicama wrap continues here with an interpretation of one of my favorite Mexican street foods…the taco. Whether you use a wrap or the more traditional corn or flour tortilla, you can’t go wrong with this quick and simply delicious filling. Sometimes, I will even scramble […]

Appetizers and Sides Lunch Salad

Curried Chicken Salad Jicama Wraps

What to do with leftover roasted or rotisserie chicken? There’s lots, but here is recent one I really love. Great tasting, light and no cooking involved! This chicken salad happened, for two reasons; One; It’s 115 degrees here in Palm Springs and did not want to turn on the stove today. Two; I have been […]

Dinner Fish Lunch

Pan Seared King Salmon with Portuguese Style Sauce

During the beginning of the pandemic some local fisherman along the coast of California were selling freshly caught fish directly to the consumer and some local restaurants. My friends BJ and Turko’s son Brendan is a fisherman up in NorCal and I was able to take advantage of one of his catches while up in […]

Breakfast Eggs Lunch

Mushroom, Brocolli and Cheese Omelette

You already know I like my eggs, so don’t be surprised that my first mushroom recipe was paired with eggs. I have made this omelette with just mushrooms and cheese, however, I had some steamed broccoli in the refrigerator that I needed to use up, so I decided to throw it in. As for the […]

Breakfast Eggs Lunch

Green Beans with Soyrizo

I pre-cook about 2 lbs. of green beans almost every week as part of my meal prep. This versatile vegetable is not only delicious, but is also low in calories and packed with nutrients. As a nutritionist, I will often recommend green beans as a dietary staple. Keep in mind, these are not the insipid […]

Breakfast Eggs Lunch

Green Bean Scramble

I love eggs and this is just the beginning of some of the many egg recipes that were inspired by my childhood. I’m posting this one, as I just made this for breakfast today. As a kid, we had our very own backyard chickens, even before it was cool to have them. I will never […]